Bullying Prevention Services - Training & Consultation
660 White Plains Road
Tarrytown, NY 10591
Copyright 2011 Student Assistance Services Corporation All Rights Reserveed
For more information contact:
Andrea Fallick, LCSW, CASAC, CPP
Certified OBPP Trainer
Olweus Technical Assistance Consultant
Assistant Director for School Based Programs
Student Assistance Services
660 White Plains Road
Tarrytown, NY 10591
Phone: (914) 332-1300
Fax: (914) 366-8826

Bullying can have life long consequences for both children who are victims of bullying and those that bully others. Students who witness repeated bullying can become fearful and anxious. They may believe that the adults in the school building are not in control or are uncaring.
More than half a million 3rd to 12th grade U.S. students were asked about their experiences with bullying. Nearly 17% of students reported that they had been bullied 2-3 times a month or more in the past couple of months. Close to 10% reported bullying others 2-3 times a month or more. The most common form of bullying was verbal for both boys and girls, followed by spreading rumors, and exclusion. Twenty-one percent of girls and 35% of boys fail to report bullying to an adult at home or in school (Olweus & Limber, 2010).
Student Assistance Services can provide various bullying prevention services to school districts, administrators, faculty, parents, mental health practitioners, and law enforcement, including training, consultation, and presentations.
The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program is an evidence-based school-wide program which combines the efforts of school staff, students, parents, and community members to reduce bullying in school. A Bullying Prevention Coordinating Committee (typically 10-15 representatives of every area of the school community) participates in a two day training with a certified trainer and attends monthly meetings to train their staff and implement bullying prevention strategies on the school-wide, classroom, individual, and community levels. Technical assistance and consultation for a minimum of the first twelve months of implementation is provided.
The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP)
Student Assistance Services can provide one bullying prevention consultation free of charge. Additional consultation is available to help schools evaluate their current bullying prevention efforts and develop evidence-based practices to reduce and intervene in bullying situations and meet federal and state requirements.
*Approximately 53% of students feel that bullying interferes with their class work and 82% of teachers feel that their instruction is affected by bullying (Pride Learning Survey, 2011).
Bullying negatively impacts the school environment and children who are involved in bullying are more likely to miss school and have academic problems. Specific training designed for administrators, faculty, nurses, pupil personnel staff, teacher aides, and school monitors provide information to create a safe and caring environment.
- How are we doing? Assess Your Bullying Prevention and Intervention Efforts
- Overview of Best Practices in Bullying Prevention and Intervention
- What Teachers Need to Know About Bullying and Cyber Bullying Prevention
- The Special Role of School Nurses in Bullying Prevention
- School Monitors: Having Courageous Conversations About Bullying Prevention
- Overview of the Dignity for All Students Act: What does this mean for schools?
* Children are more likely to tell their parents about bullying they experienced than teachers or other adults at school (Olweus, 2010)
Parents are a critical partner in bullying prevention. Their involvement is necessary to prevent and reduce bullying in schools.
- What Parents Need to Know About Bullying Prevention
- Preventing Problems with Peers: Promoting Positive Relationships
- Bullying Prevention: Considerations for Children with Special Needs
- Sticks and Stones, Texts and IM's
* Children who bully others are at increased risk for substance use, academic problems, and violence later in adolescence and adulthood (CDC, 2011).
Bullying doesn't doesn’t stop at the school’s door. Children should hear the same bullying prevention messages in all areas of their lives.
- Bullying Prevention: The Community Connection
- Creating Safe Spaces for Afterschool Programs
- Bullying and the Law: Tips for Law Enforcement Officers
- Faith-Based Focus on Bullying Prevention
- Intervening with Students Involved in Bullying, for Mental Health Professionals
- Healthcare Practitioners Role in Assessing and Intervening with Students Involved in Bullying
Any of these workshops can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Districts wishing to purchase these services through SW BOCES and receive aid may contact Suzanne Doherty Spicci, Coordinator of Professional Development, for more information.
Student Assistance Services Corporation SW CPE is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #0101. The "Six Hour Training in Harrassment, Bullying, Cyberbullying and Discrimination: Prevention and Intervention in Schools" (DASA) offered by Student Assistance Services has been approved for six continuing education hours for LCSW's and LMSW's.